I Remember Being A Fish

​I remember being a fish.
Yes - it just came back to me,
As I watched my fish tank inhabitants
Peering back at me,
Darting in and out of the plants and rocks,
The hiding places,
The open spaces,
Familiar faces.
Oh, stay away from that one - he's trouble.
There's my buddy - he's cool.
There's Stupid.
There's the Plecostomus - God what dinosaur,
and he wallows in our poop - yuck.
How can he eat that green slime on the wall?
He seems to like it - 
Look at that happy swish in his tail,
Jeesh - whatever.
Here we are - fish - another lifetime, again.
And the buzzing - Oy!
I was in a brook last time,
Near a drop in level - boulders - gurgling...
Noisy, sure,
But THIS place,
This strange light,
These rising bubbles,
These big creatures who come near,
And then food appears at the surface.
And once in a while the Creature enters our world,
Disturbing EVERYTHING,
Kicking up our poop,
Moving things around,
And then it leaves,
And things return to normal.
But we're FISH.
I'm a fish.
God make it quick - 
I want legs.